Read ebook Bio-Bibliographies in Education: Theodore M. Hesburgh : A Bio-Bibliography 1 DJV, TXT
9780313265082 0313265089 Priest, educator, and public servant, Theodore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C., President Emeritus of the University of Notre Dame, is internationally recognized as one of the most influential leaders of the American Catholic Church not only because of his commitment to Catholic education but also because of his passion for ensuring the protection and preservation of human rights everywhere. The present volume consists of a biography of Father Hesburgh; a detailed and comprehensive description of archival and manuscript materials held in The Archives of the University of Notre Dame, the official repository of Father Hesburgh's papers, prepared by William Kevin Cawley; and a bibliography of major published and unpublished works by Father Hesburgh, as well as selected works about him. Making a selection from the wealth of material contained in The Archives and other sources, compiler Charlotte A. Ames has created an invaluable bridge to Father Hesburgh's life and work. Much of this work was written as a response to the various challenges posed by national and global crises: the civil rights movement, starving millions worldwide, refugees in need of resettlement, the specter of nuclear war, the need to find peaceful uses for nuclear power, the most productive use of science and technology for Third World development, and the need for quality and equality in higher education. The bibliographical section includes works issued from 1940 through February 1989. Published works include books, articles and essays, forewords, prefaces and introductions, newspaper articles, interviews, selected U.S. government documents, and non-print media. Among the unpublished works are addresses, papers, speeches, and diaries. Works about Father Hesburgh consist not only of books, articles, and newspaper articles, both biographical and reportorial, but also of theses and dissertations relating to him. The volume is arranged to provide easy access, with citations for selected works to be found in three distinct locations at the University of Notre Dame. Three appendices cite awards and honors, honorary degrees, and current and past board and committee memberships held by Father Hesburgh. A useful resource for students and scholars of Education, American Studies, and American Religious History.
9780313265082 0313265089 Priest, educator, and public servant, Theodore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C., President Emeritus of the University of Notre Dame, is internationally recognized as one of the most influential leaders of the American Catholic Church not only because of his commitment to Catholic education but also because of his passion for ensuring the protection and preservation of human rights everywhere. The present volume consists of a biography of Father Hesburgh; a detailed and comprehensive description of archival and manuscript materials held in The Archives of the University of Notre Dame, the official repository of Father Hesburgh's papers, prepared by William Kevin Cawley; and a bibliography of major published and unpublished works by Father Hesburgh, as well as selected works about him. Making a selection from the wealth of material contained in The Archives and other sources, compiler Charlotte A. Ames has created an invaluable bridge to Father Hesburgh's life and work. Much of this work was written as a response to the various challenges posed by national and global crises: the civil rights movement, starving millions worldwide, refugees in need of resettlement, the specter of nuclear war, the need to find peaceful uses for nuclear power, the most productive use of science and technology for Third World development, and the need for quality and equality in higher education. The bibliographical section includes works issued from 1940 through February 1989. Published works include books, articles and essays, forewords, prefaces and introductions, newspaper articles, interviews, selected U.S. government documents, and non-print media. Among the unpublished works are addresses, papers, speeches, and diaries. Works about Father Hesburgh consist not only of books, articles, and newspaper articles, both biographical and reportorial, but also of theses and dissertations relating to him. The volume is arranged to provide easy access, with citations for selected works to be found in three distinct locations at the University of Notre Dame. Three appendices cite awards and honors, honorary degrees, and current and past board and committee memberships held by Father Hesburgh. A useful resource for students and scholars of Education, American Studies, and American Religious History.