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Book Environmental Regulations and Housing Costs in TXT, DOC, MOBI


3 things to know about the focus of Dynamic Business Law, 2e:Emphasis on ETHICAL DECISION-MAKING. In chapter 2, the authors introduce a framework for making ethical business decisions that students can use on a regular basis. Following each case there are questions designed to train students to apply this approach. Then repeatedly throughout the chapters, questions about business ethics are raised in the text. This framework is designed to help improve the learning process of students and to give a sense of relevancy to the ethical decision making process. Emphasis on CRITICAL THINKING. Neil Browne, one of the co-authors of this text, has written a successful text on critical thinking. His framework is included in Dynamic Business Law as well to help students learn how to frame and reframe a question/issue. Critical thinking questions are also included at the end of each case, to further tie in this component.Emphasis on the BUSINESS in business law. Dynamic Business Law emphasizes the tie of legal issues back to the core business curriculum. This will help both students and faculty. Students need to understand how the concepts they learn in this course tie into their business careers. Instructors can easily show that the study of business law is best seen as a foundational component of the larger study of business administration.Dynamic Business Law now includes Connect Business Law as a packaging option. Connect includes Interactive Applications for each chapter of the textbook and helps students apply legal concepts to business, stimulates critical thinking, and reinforces key topics. Overview: Dynamic Business Law, 2e is appropriate for the two-term business law course. Emphasis on the BUSINESS in business law. Dynamic Business Law emphasizes the tie of legal issues back to the core business curriculum. This will help both students and faculty. Faculty need to know how this is integrated as they are constantly 'defending' the inclusion of this course in the business curriculum. And students need to understand how the concepts tie to their future business careers. Emphasis on TEACHING. Many professors teaching this course are attorneys first and academics second. They do not have a lot of time to prepare or think about how to apply this information effectively for their business students. Dynamic Business Law contains a helpful instructor's manual, particularly for the many adjuncts teaching this course. Emphasis on CRITICAL THINKING. Neil Browne, one of the co-authors of this text, has written a successful text on critical thinking. His framework is included in Dynamic Business Law as well to help students learn how to frame and reframe a question/issue. Critical thinking questions are also included at the end of each case, to further tie in this component. Instructor's Supplements: The Online Learning Center contains the complete IM, Test Bank, PowerPoint, image library, and video clips. Instructor's Manual: The Instructor's Manual provides a clear outline of how to begin using this text and is especially helpful to adjuncts who teach Business Law. Sample syllabi are included, as well as detailed lecture outlines incorporating PowerPoints and other materials professors can bring into their lectures. Exciting and new examples from outside the text are also included, and can be discussed in class to help generate excitement and involvement in the course from students. Test Bank: The Test Bank, developed by Vonda Laughlin of Carson-Newman College, contains a variety of true/false, multiple choice, and essay questions as well as "scenario-based" questions, which are application-based, and use a situation described in a narrative, with 3 5 multiple-choice test questions based on the situation described in the narrative. We've aligned our Test Bank with the new AACSB guidelines, tagging each question according to its knowledge and skills areas., Advance Praise for Environmental Regulations and Housing Costs, Advance Praise for Environmental Regulations and Housing Costs Many communities across the nation still lack affordable housing. And many officials and developers claim that environmental regulations increase the cost of building. But is this actually true? In a comprehensive study of the question, the authors of this eye-opening book separate fact from myth. Intended primarily for professionals who are involved in, or affected by, regulations-from public officials, planners, and engineers to housing developers and community activists-this book will provide useful insights and data to anyone who wants to know if, and how, American housing can actually be made "affordable." Book jacket., Many communities across the nation still lack affordable housing. And many officials continue to claim that affordable housing is an oxymoron. Building inexpensively is impossible, they say, because there are too many regulations. Required environmental impact statements and habitat protection laws, they contend, drive up the costs of construction. But is this actually true? In a comprehensive study of the question, the authors of this eye-opening book separate fact from myth.With admirable clarity, they describe the policy debate from its beginning, review the economic theory, trace the evolution of development regulation, and summarize the major research on the topic. In addition, they offer their own research, accompanied by a case study of two strikingly different Washington, D.C., suburbs. They also include results of focus groups conducted in Dallas, Denver, and Tucson. The authors find that environmental regulatory costsas a share of total costs and processesare about the same now as they were thirty years ago, even though there are far more regulations today. They find, too, that environmental regulations may actually create benefits that could improve the value of housing.Although they conclude that regulations do not appear to drive up housing costs more now than in the past, they do offer recommendations of ways in which the processes associated with regulationsincluding review procedurescould be improved and could result in cost savings. Intended primarily for professionals who are involved in, or impacted by, regulationsfrom public officials, planners, and engineers to housing developers and community activiststhis book will provide useful insights and data to anyone who wants to know if (and how) American housing can actually be made affordable. "

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