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Download Rock Mechanics and Engineering: Laboratory and Field Testing (2016, Hardcover) MOBI, EPUB, PDF


The five-volume set "Comprehensive Rock Engineering," which was published in 1993, has had an important influence on the development of rock mechanics and rock engineering. Significant and extensive advances and achievements in these fields over the last 20 years now justify the publishing of a comparable, new compilation. "Rock Mechanics and Engineering" represents a highly prestigious, multi-volume work edited by Professor Xia-Ting Feng, with the editorial advice of Professor John A. Hudson. This new compilation offers an extremely wide-ranging and comprehensive overview of the state-of-the-art in rock mechanics and rock engineering and is composed of peer-reviewed, dedicated contributions by all the key experts worldwide as well as by younger, talented researchers. Key features of this set are that it provides a systematic, global summary of new developments in rock mechanics and rock engineering practices as well as looking ahead to future developments in the fields. The individual volumes cover an extremely wide array of topics grouped under five overarching themes. Volume 2 covers Laboratory and Field Testing and includes contributions grouped under the sub-themes Laboratory Test Methods and Field Testing and URLs. This work sets a new standard for rock mechanics and engineering compendia and will be the go-to resource for all engineering professionals and academics involved in rock mechanics and engineering for years to come.

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There are practical hints too for using ANSYS software.The Code of the Extraordinary Mind is a blueprint of laws to break us free from the shackles of an ordinary life.On the evening of July 25, 1965, Bob Dylan took the stage at Newport Folk Festival, backed by an electric band, and roared into his new rock hit, Like a Rolling Stone.Various techniques, such as knowledge-based optimization, adjoint sensitivity techniques, and fast replacement models (to name just a few) are explored in-depth along with an array of the latest techniques to optimize the efficiency of the simulation-driven design process.This is the rare and unforgettable testimony of a survivor, and a universal message of hope and resilience.