James S. Albus - Wiley Series on Intelligent Systems: Engineering of Mind : An Introduction to the Science of Intelligent Systems 7 EPUB, DJV, PDF
9780471438540 0471438545 Presenting a reference model architecture for the design ofintelligent systems Engineering of Mind presents the foundations for a computationaltheory of intelligence. It discusses the main streams ofinvestigation that will eventually converge in a scientific theoryof mind and proposes an avenue of research that might best lead tothe development of truly intelligent systems. This book presents a model of the brain as a hierarchy of massiveparallel computational modules and data structures interconnectedby information pathways. Using this as the basic model on whichintelligent systems should be based, the authors propose areference model architecture that accommodates concepts fromartificial intelligence, control theory, image understanding,signal processing, and decision theory. Algorithms, procedures, anddata embedded within this architecture would enable the analysis ofsituations, the formulation of plans, the choice of behaviors, andthe computation of uncertainties. The computational power toimplement the model can be achieved in practical systems in theforeseeable future through hierarchical and parallel distributionof computational tasks. The authors reference model architecture is expressed in terms ofthe Real-time Control System (RCS) that has been developedprimarily at the National Institute of Standards and Technology.Suitable for engineers, computer scientists, researchers, andstudents, Engineering of Mind blends current theory and practice toachieve a coherent model for the design of intelligent systems.
9780471438540 0471438545 Presenting a reference model architecture for the design ofintelligent systems Engineering of Mind presents the foundations for a computationaltheory of intelligence. It discusses the main streams ofinvestigation that will eventually converge in a scientific theoryof mind and proposes an avenue of research that might best lead tothe development of truly intelligent systems. This book presents a model of the brain as a hierarchy of massiveparallel computational modules and data structures interconnectedby information pathways. Using this as the basic model on whichintelligent systems should be based, the authors propose areference model architecture that accommodates concepts fromartificial intelligence, control theory, image understanding,signal processing, and decision theory. Algorithms, procedures, anddata embedded within this architecture would enable the analysis ofsituations, the formulation of plans, the choice of behaviors, andthe computation of uncertainties. The computational power toimplement the model can be achieved in practical systems in theforeseeable future through hierarchical and parallel distributionof computational tasks. The authors reference model architecture is expressed in terms ofthe Real-time Control System (RCS) that has been developedprimarily at the National Institute of Standards and Technology.Suitable for engineers, computer scientists, researchers, andstudents, Engineering of Mind blends current theory and practice toachieve a coherent model for the design of intelligent systems.