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On Friendship by Alexander Nehamas read book EPUB, FB2, TXT


Friends are a constant feature of our lives, yet friendship itself is difficult to define. Even Michel de Montaigne, author of the seminal essay "Of Friendship," found it nearly impossible to account for the great friendship of his life. Why is something so commonplace and universal so hard to grasp? What is it about the nature of friendship that proves so elusive? In On Friendship , the acclaimed philosopher Alexander Nehamas launches an original and far- ranging investigation of friendship. Exploring the long history of philosophical thinking on the subject, from Aristotle to Emerson and beyond, and drawing on examples from literature, art, drama, and his own life, Nehamas shows that for centuries, friendship was as much a public relationship as it was a private one--inseparable from politics and commerce, favors and perks. Now that it is more firmly in the private realm, Nehamas holds, close friendship is central to the good life. Profound and affecting, On Friendship sheds light on why we love our friends--and how they determine who we are, and who we might become.

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This volumecollects eight amazing stories set in the world of American Vampire , with"lost tales," new characters and old favorites.Now happiness is no longer hostage to external events but an experience we carry with us always.Among those who attend Mary s weekly classes in the small schoolroom at Arlington is young Selina Norris.A riddle rarely makes sense the first time you hear it.Few, however, went as far as Noel Field in betraying their own country.The thirty-three projects range from simple jewelry pieces like the classic friendship bracelet and watch straps to more complex ones like a variety of bags and baskets.It strikes a delicate balance between joy and fun and responsible social commentary.Well, Stephan Pastis can't help you with the first two.Providers of "spiritual friendship" pastors, spiritual directors, pastoral counselors, concerned Christians will need to change their approach as those with whom they interact distance themselves from the church.De Graaff concludes by showing how a theological account is vital for discerning the distinct politics of the church, including opportunities for Christian engagement in secular politics.Virgil & Owen return in a charming new friendship story that perfectly captures a tricky challenge for all friends: patience.